BMW 7 Owners & Service Manuals


Rip Function

This function rips commercially available audio CDs (marked with the Compact Disk Digital Audio logo) and converts them to compressed music files.

Audio Systems
Fig. 62: Identifying Compact Disc Digital Audio Logo

This function can be performed when the vehicle is stationary or while driving.

The music on the CD can also be played back during the conversion and storage process of the rip function.

The music data is converted at a speed between 3 and 12 times the playback speed. Following the conversion the music data is stored on the hard disk in WMA file format.

The data is then displayed in the form of file folders in the music collection menu. These folders are identified with the corresponding title and with a round CD icon.

After the conversion process the files will be displayed and can now be selected individually by using the music search function.

Audio Systems
Fig. 63: Display - Music Store Menu

Audio Systems
Fig. 64: Selecting Continue

Copying Data via the CD/DVD Drive

Self-recorded CD/DVD ROMs with audio files in MP3, WMA or AAC (M4A) format can be read, copied and stored using the DVD player (drive).

All CD/DVD formats (from CD-R to DVD Double Layer) are supported, except for CD-RAM and DVD-RAM.

The audio data is then stored in the form of file folders in the music collection together with the title of the respective CD/DVD ROM.

If the CD/DVD ROMs are untitled, they will be stored as "Audio-CD 1", "Audio-CD 2", etc. To facilitate identification, a folder icon is shown next to the file folder.

Audio Systems
Fig. 65: Selecting Audio CD 1

Copying Data from the USB

Data contained on a USB stick (music files in MP3, WMA or AAC format) can be imported via the import/export USB port located in the glove compartment.

Copying music data from audio devices such as an MP3 players or iPods using the USB connection is possible although not advisable.

The folder and file structure of the player are also copied when copying music files from an audio player (MP3 player, iPod). In this case, the copied folder names are represented by means of cryptic characters instead of album title. This makes a subsequent search for a music file virtually impossible.

Audio Systems
Fig. 66: Importing Music File From USB

Audio Systems
Fig. 67: Identifying USB Import/Export Interface In Glove Compartment (F01/F02)

Audio Systems
Fig. 68: Selecting USB 1

Compatible USB sticks must be FAT formatted and must support the Mass Storage Class USB protocol. The format can be easily checked on any PC running the Windows operating system.

The file system (FAT 16, FAT 32 or NTFS) is shown under properties of the USB stick in the Windows Explorer. The protocol which is used is shown by clicking the hardware icon in the windows information area.

When using a USB stick device with several partitions, the music data files must be located in the first partition in order to be recognized and processed.

USB hard drives, USB hubs and USB memory card readers with several slots cannot be read when connected to the USB jack in the glove compartment and therefore can not be used.

Depending on the USB lead used, the mass storage device may be able to be charged through the USB interface. However, the power consumption of the mass storage device must not exceed the maximum level of 500 mA permitted.

It is recommended that when charging a storage device, only the USB audio interface in the center console be used and not the USB in the glove compartment.

NOTE: The USB interface in the glove compartment is only intended for the import and export of data (music or personal profiles) to and from the vehicle.

File System

The folders of the converted or copied music files can subsequently be renamed in the "Options" menu.

For this purpose, the corresponding album entry must be marked in the music collection and then the "Options" menu selected.

It is important to note the following when coping music files with Digital Rights Management (DRUM) protection to the music collection:

  • AAC music data in the M4P format (P = Protected) cannot be copied to the hard disk.
  • Only music data in WMA format with copy protection can be copied.

This data will be shown in the music collection and in the music search. However, these protected tracks cannot be played. The track will be "skipped" or ignored and a different non-protected music track will be played.

The reason for this is that it is not possible to provide purchaser authentication in the CIC because a link to the online provider cannot be established. It is suggested that the customer import the audio files using a self recorded Digital Audio CD.

All music download portals allow the creation of a Digital Audio CD for the downloaded music track.

However, the number of copies that can be created is limited by licensing legislation.

Data Saving (Backup) The customer has the option of saving his/her complete music collection under the "Options" sub-menu. This is achieved by copying it back to a USB stick installed in the glove box port. It is necessary to ensure that the USB stick has sufficient storage capacity. A maximum storage capacity of 12 GB is required for saving the music collection data.

Audio Systems
Fig. 69: Display - Storing Music On USB Device

The process is similar to the data saving procedure on a PC. This function makes it possible to import data when changing vehicles or when replacing a head unit or hard disk.

Data saving will only be possible if the hard disk of the CIC has not been damaged and the interfaces to the CIC are still fully operational.

Data back up should be done prior to programming the vehicle after replacing control units. Without data saving (backup), all of the music data could be lost. However, this can only be done by the customer prior to bringing the vehicle in for service. Detailed instructions on how and where the data backup can be performed are provided in the Vehicle Owner's Manual.

WARNING: For copyright reasons, the service personnel are not permitted to perform the data backup for the customer. The service personnel, can, however, instruct the customer on how to perform the backup procedure.

Music Search

The "Music search" sub-menu is provided in the music collection for the purpose of managing a large quantity of music files.

The music search takes place in accordance with a special filtering process. The search can be started at any menu item in the music search. For example, if the menu item "Genre" is selected as the starting point, all albums of all artists together with all the tracks in this music direction will be made available for selection.

In the next step, only the artist is selected and all his/her albums are displayed.

The search is now filtered further with each step until at the end, only the required entry remains.

The information for the music search is stored in the form of a metafile, similar to the ID3 tags of an MP3 file.

An example of how these metafile or meta information could appear is shown below:


Audio Systems

Audio Systems
Fig. 70: Selecting Stored Album

Audio Systems
Fig. 71: Selecting Genre In Music Search Sub Menu

Data management is achieved with the aid of a music track database.

The music track database information is stored on the hard disk of the CIC for the purpose of managing the music file's metadata. A 4 GB partition is allocated to the music search function.

The CIC is equipped with special software provided by Gracenote for the purpose of identifying the complete albums of ripped Digital Audio CDs. It provides additional information about the music track on the respective Digital Audio CD converted to WMA files.

This music track database (Gracenote) uses TOC (Table of Contents) as the identification pattern. This means, complete albums on Digital Audio CDs are identified based on the number of tracks and the track length.

The corresponding data (track, artist, etc.) is then accordingly assigned to the music files in the music search database.

On conclusion of the conversion procedure to WMA files, the new metadata is automatically added to the directory structure in the music search. It is not possible to rename or edit this metadata after it is in the hard disk.

NOTE: Albums with newly released metadata at the time of vehicle delivery will no longer be identified. The music track database would require a permanent link with the server in order to keep this data up to date and this is not possible.

Unrecognized metadata of Digital Audio CDs is stored in the music collection as "Audio-CD 1", "Audio-CD 2", etc., together with the CD icon.

The metadata for the music track database from copied CD/DVD-ROMs or USB sticks is adopted identically in the music search function. This metadata does not stem from the music track database but rather from the user/customer himself.

The metadata, copied from a USB stick or CD/DVD ROM, cannot be renamed in the CIC.

In order to correct the faulty metadata on a track or file, the file must first be deleted from the hard disk in the CIC.

The user can then rename or add to these metadata files corresponding to the music track database structure (genre, artist, album and track) by using software on a personal computer.

When the file is imported back into the CIC hard disk, the correct metafiles will be displayed. This procedure also ensures that the music search will also find the copied music data with the music track, artist, etc.

Updating unknown music tracks is only possible with WMA files from ripped Digital Audio CD. If the user/customer does not follow this procedure, in time the music search will become unusable.

A "current" version of the music track database is stored in the vehicle on delivery. The information about music CDs (Digital Audio CDs) released after the vehicle delivery will not be found in the vehicle's music track database.

NOTE: If the metadata is not found because the Gracenote database in the CIC is outdated, the tracks will not be recognized.

Updating the (Gracenote) Database

To keep the entire contents of the music track database (Gracenote) up to date, BMW Service is equipped with the latest CD of the music track database (Gracenote).

This update takes place in connection with the media package, which also contains the Gracenote Update CD.

The CD can be loaded directly in the CIC drive and updated via the Service menu of the CIC (See SERVICE INFORMATION).

The update of the music track database (Gracenote) will become effective in the WMA music files only after subsequent conversions (rip function) of Digital Audio CD.

Metadata will no longer be added to files that were ripped before the update of the music track database (Gracenote).

The reason for this is that the music track database is only accessed when a Digital Audio CD is loaded and subsequently ripped.

Audio Systems
Fig. 72: Identifying Gracenote Update CD



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